Our FHE lesson seemed to be too long for our little critter family last time so this time I will be working on making this lesson shorter and quicker to the point.
Prayer: Silly Girl
Song: Nephi’s Courage (CS 120)
Read: 1 Nephi 17:7-8 to my critters then have them answer some questions about the scriptures.
1. What was Nephi commanded to build? a ship
2. Who showed Nephi how to build the ship? the Lord
3. What did Nephi need to make tools to build the ship? Ore
4. Had Nephi ever built a ship before? no
5. Who mocked Nephi? Laman and Lemuel
6. What happened to Laman and Lemuel when they mocked Nephi for building the ship? Nephi stretched out his hand and the Lord shocked them.
7. Did Laman and Lemuel repent and help Nephi build the ship? yes
8. Why did the Lord want Nephi to build a ship? So they could cross the water to the Promised Land
9. Why did Nephi know how he could build a ship? He had trust in the Lord.
What can our family do to gain these characteristics while serving the Lord?
There will be times when others will mock, tease or hurt you when you are trying to keep the Lord’s commandments. What are some ways that you can show courage in following Jesus?
Articles of Faith Memorization Practice:
Prayer: Lil Monster
Activity print out, cut and let the kids use the figures while I tell the story :
This picture was found at lds.org.
Sweet treat tonight: Brownies