“The name comes from the European gamekeepers who would kill their game by grasping the head of the animal between their thumb and index finger to break its neck. Over time, the ulnar collateral ligament is stretched and would eventually cause problems,” I found this on the internet.
Now my hand looks like this:
It was last Wednesday morning and I was working on getting the girls ready for school when I heard something in my thumb POP.. From then on my thumb was rendered unusable. It hurt like crazy and I gave up the strong fight and went into the doctor. That’s where I also learned that I cracked something on the inside base of my thumb too.
To me it looks like a repetitive motion injury. The only thing that I have been doing a lot of has been cutting stuff out for my kids, for me and for Christmas presents.
This injury and the cast makes it very hard to type, use my right hand, text and to do anything normally. Now it’s just time to deal with it all, what else is there to do.