My computer is such a big part of my life that I was utterly devastated when it went and crashed on me.
I’ll start the story now at the beginning. Sometime in the middle of October while I was working on the computer I started having issues with it, so I had Papa Bear come and take a look at it for me. He ended up calling our technical support company looking for more help. That’s when we learned that my computer was attacked with Trojans and malware. After the technical support guys cleaned my computer all up they told us that my operating system was compromised and not working right. They then suggested reinstalling the operating system back to the factory settings and start all over.
Papa Bear talked of doing this to my computer for awhile now any ways and thought it was a good time to do so.
We’ve had an external hard drive for years – seven in fact – and so we started backing up all of my docs, pics, bookmarks, etc. on the external hard drive. For the most part my stuff was already there. We then were able to start my computer over and start the massive deluge of downloading all of the upgrades to get it back to where it should be. Everything was going to great. We should’ve known right then that something was going to go wrong. And oh boy did it ever!
Papa Bear then went to plug in my external hard drive and all we heard was a clicking sound. And the computer never recognized it as being plugged in.
By this time I was so frustrated thinking I put all of my stuff on the external hard drive to be a safe place and in reality it was no safer than if we just left it on my computer in the first place.
We tried another technical support company and they still couldn’t help us. Our next stop was to spend our “extra” $$$ from last month and send the external hard drive to a company where they have a special clean room and actually take the hard drive apart and see what they can get off.
You may ask why bother, but too me to lose the last seven years of all of our lives together was just too much for me. If we did just oh well and forget it we would be losing ALL of the pictures of my sweet critters. That’s all of the birth pictures, and so much more. We are talking about some where around 14,000 pictures in all. I would have lost all of my recipes, which is another reason I have been posting them on my blog, and so much more. That’s just too much for me to give up on.
Now I ‘m trying to find PLENTY of ways to back up my computer and not put all of my ducks (so to speak) in one basket. We have been looking into online back up companies like Mozy, Carbonite, and others and external hard drives (even though they can’t be trusted), flash drives and CDs. I’m so nervous now about losing everything.
I always thought it would be better to have stuff on the computer rather than have papers all over the house and the file cabinet.
When we decide what to do I will update my computer status for you.