I found him from a breeder that is an hour away from us. We had no idea what to expect. We just grabbed the kennel and hit the road. This new breeder sent us home with a bottle already made up. When we got home Sparky was hungry. Monkey jumped out of the car and gave him the bottle right away. It was so nice getting a goat this year that was already used to the bottle. I big difference from last year.
All the way home from picking up this new goat we started talking about names. Once again we told Monkey that she could name him whatever she wanted but we still had veto power. She thought really hard about what she wanted to name him. Finally she choose Sparky. We thought the name was great.

Starting out with a bottle baby this time went a ton smoother. The late night feedings and early morning ones reminded me a lot when my Critters we little and I would take care of them late at night.
He was a strong fast growing boy. We watched him grow and knew he would be a great market goat at fair.

The second day that we had him home Goose was outside playing with Sparky. Next think we know Goose was being attacked by Sparky. He was on top of her with his tongue out licking her like crazy.

We have been heard many times lately, "who needs a dog; a goat is so much more fun!"