I’m just now getting around to posting about this. I am so slow these days when it comes to blogging about anything. I just can’t believe it. But I guess ultimately better late than never.
My Silly Girl has hit another major accomplishment, a few weeks ago she gave her first talk in Primary. I did write it for her but she did say it with my help. She will be writing them herself soon enough though!
So here is what she said:
When I pay my tithing Heavenly Father blesses me.
Father in Heaven loves you and has given you many blessings. He asks you to return to Him one tenth of all you earn. The one tenth you give to the Lord is called tithing. Tithing is used to build up Heavenly Father’s kingdom on the earth. President Hinckley learned this helpful poem a boy.
What is tithing? I will tell you every time. Ten cents from a dollar, and a penny from a dime.
So if you have 10 dollars, you give a dollar, if you have a dollar, you give ten cents. If you have a dime, you give the Lord one penny.
Has anyone seen one of these? It’s a tithing slip. When you pay your tithing, you should fill out the slip, place the money in the envelope, seal it, print your name on the front of the envelope and give it to the Bishop or one of his counselors.
If we pay our tithing faithfully, we will be blessed.
- Understanding of the gospel and spiritual light
- Strength to obey other commandments
- Be more honest and thankful
- Enough money for our needs
I challenge you to pay your tithing. Even if the amount doesn’t seem like much it will bring blessings to you and members and nonmembers of this true church.
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.