Just the other day I was working on my menus trying to get them all ready for my Modesto shopping trip. I usually assign a dinner main dish to a day and then on that day I have to remember to pull the meat out for that one dish.
When I was working on my menus this month I started thinking yea know that doesn’t always work for us. So this time I just started making lists of what to cook this month instead. My first two lists look like these:

Somebody in the house thinks ALL paper is for her to draw on. But I don’t agree with her.
The list on the left is the start of my dinners for the month while the one on the right is ideas for lunches. I thought the girls might enjoy more variety in their lunches. We’ll see.

And here is my finished list before I typed it up. To see the complete list for our September dinners and lunches you can go here.
I spent a pretty penny for the month at Costco and WinCo but for the most part I am all done. I won’t have to buy any more chicken, wipes, diapers, canned fruit, tomato sauce, bread or juice for the rest of the month. I WILL still have to go to the grocery store for milk, some cheese and fresh produce. But otherwise I have a really nice feeling knowing that at least one more craziness is done.
Now if I just had enough freezer space to put everything away. UGH!!! What was I thinking.